Microsoft Excel World Championship 2023 — Finals

Who knew Excel spreadsheets could produce such exhilaration and palpable tension among competitors and crowds alike?
Well, there certainly was at the Microsoft Excel World Championship 2023, which took place in Las Vegas days ago in front of a captivated audience.
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube.
There’s much action to endure — all three hours, thirteen minutes, and fifty-four seconds.
I’m working my way through it myself — only a third done at the time of writing. Nevertheless, the highlight for me thus far comes at 00:46:52.
In the dying embers of Round 1, Jakub Pomykalski fends off three competitors to leapfrog to second place, consigning Patrick Chatian to the most heartbreaking of eliminations. A dramatic moment perfectly captured by Oz du Soleil‘s WWE-style commentary.
It left the arena gasping, with host Stephen Rose confessing, “That was the most amazing five minutes I have ever seen where it just all went on its head. That was insane!”
No doubt one for the Hall of Fame.