My advice to Donald Trump about his border choice (Excel edition)

I’m not sure how proficient Mr Trump is at Excel, but I just discovered something bound to pique his interest… 🇺🇸🇲🇽
In the ribbon border dropdown on the Home tab (also found in the right-click formatting menu), selecting ‘Thick Bottom Border’ will not actually apply the thickest solid line to the bottom of a cell.

In fact, in terms of thickness, it only comes second out of the three variants available.
These can be found by pressing Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells window and going to the ‘Border’ tab.

The ribbon border options with ‘Thick’ in them are misleading. They should either be renamed to ‘Medium’ or do what they say.
This inaccuracy likely stems from the fact that none of the 13 border styles have ever had official names attached to them. We only know what they look like, but people often call them different things.
With unique identifiers, some of them could be:
- Thin Solid Line
- Medium Solid Line
- Thick Solid Line
- Double Line
- Dashed Line
- Dotted Line
If you selected one in the Format Cells window, the name could appear based on your choice.
That would be a good way of clearing up the ambiguity, I think.
Mr Trump will demand Microsoft to add the barbed wire line style