Formula Argument Assistance arrives in Excel for the web
Those familiar with Google Sheets will be aware of the helpful little box that pops up when you type a function followed by an open parenthesis.
It reveals the function’s syntax, an example, and a description for each argument.
Moreover, it serves as a time-saver. Without it, you’re more likely to resort to Google to find more information about the function in question.
Many of you have been shouting from the rooftops over the years, calling for this feature to be included in Excel to replace the rather limited tooltips.
Well, you’ll be glad to know it’s arrived, albeit on Excel for the web.
Formula Argument Assistance is almost a carbon copy of Sheets’ effort, except it’s better because:
- there’s no scrollbar — the window adapts to the size necessary to display all the information
- the window is draggable, so you can position it where you want
For more information on Formula Argument Assistance, go to