An innocent error?

Here’s something I thought was rather clever from Innocent Drinks.

It fooled me when I first saw ‘Image not found’, as I thought it was a genuine error. Then I read what was beneath, and it became obvious it wasn’t.
After second thoughts, however, I started to wonder if this might be a cover-up for something that went wrong in the design process.
Could they not get hold of a certain image?
Did someone design the label wrongly so the intended text couldn’t fit?
Was the spell checker not working?
It’s impossible to know without being an insider, but it’s plausible they just decided to roll with it.
You’d assume it was deliberate, but maybe it was (excuse the pun) an innocent error after all.
Anyway, I appreciate the official Innocent Drinks X account responding to my thoughts. 😁
P.S. I don’t think purply blue text on a blue background is very wise.
British humour. The importanse(!) of being earnest.